Last-Modified: 2023-08-31 20:25:30
The YWCA provides a highly structured four-phase residential program for homeless women in recovery from substance abuse.
In 2012, THRP provided approximately 9,300 nights of safe shelter.
The typical client entering their program is unemployed and without resources.
She has very little contact with her family and has likely lost custody of her children due to her history of substance abuse.
Their case managers immediately begin working with new clients to assess their needs and develop personal goals for them.
Clients create an Individual Development Plan and they review their progress with their case managers.
The overall goal for the THRP clients is that they will comply with all program guidelines, remain sober, and complete the program.
During this time, clients are attending daily NA/AA meetings, meeting with their sponsors, struggling to achieve/maintain sobriety and seeking employment.
Therefore, it is imperative that the YWCA provide them with the essentials such as food, clothing, personal care items, counseling and recovery educational materials.
YWCA Evansville - Transition Housing Recovery Program (THRP)
118 Vine Street
Evansville, IN - 47708
User questions & answers
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What is your current addiction OR problem that you are seeking help for? How long have you had this issue?
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I have hit rock bottom 3times now I been in a mental hospital in Newbury
0 votes
I was addicted to meth for 17 years I have been 3 months sober in the House of Victory looking to commune home so I can see my kids more
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Homeless with meth addiction
Have you used a transitional housing resource before?
Have you used this locations services before? What is your opinion of it?
Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?
Do they take ex felons?
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I have been homeless going on 1and a half cut all Tues from my toxic dauggters just a couple months went to a mental hospital in Newbury I need help getting back on my feet in a new place so I can start a fresh life I have been through demostic abuse recently left boyfriend for abuse I need some help but in the long run I am scared to go into shelters in a new town not knowing anyone but my son in a group home there in evensville
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Search for Transitional Housing
Closest Area Transitional Housing
- United Caring Shelter
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Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to YWCA Evansville - Transition Housing Recovery Program (THRP), we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: