Last-Modified: 2023-04-10 09:29:37
The Mission of Solutions Recovery Center
To provide a sober living environment with ready access to a basic quality services for people struggling with substance abuse, alcoholism, and co-occurring disorders.
They will help the suffering regain freedom and develop a better way of life.
Their approach addresses the necessary physiological, emotional and spiritual needs of each resident.
Environment is based on compassion and mutual respect.
They will address each clients problem areas individually, and offer a wide range of opportunities and access to therapeutic tools and interventions to help each resident achieve their specific goal.
Solutions Recovery Center
520 Lowndes Hill Road
Greenville, SC - 29607
User questions & answers
Are you familiar with Solutions Recovery Center? Help users find out answers.We publish all Helpful information.
What is your current addiction OR problem that you are seeking help for? How long have you had this issue?
0 votes
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meth 11years
0 votes
03/02/2020 just got out of prison.and i'm having a hard to finding a job and a place to live. i've been on meth for years and i'm not wanting to get back on it.
0 votes
Desire to stay clean and learn a new way of life.
0 votes
pill and alcohol for a number of years
0 votes
Depression, anxiety, amphetamines
0 votes
Have you used a transitional housing resource before?
Have you used this locations services before? What is your opinion of it?
Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?
Do they take ex felons?
I would like to know what is the qualifications to enter the program
I am ready and willing to get my life back and do whatever it takes to be a Mom to my precious kids. This life isn't for me and it's absolutely drained me. I just don't have it in me to fight any longer.
Please accept me into his program. I want recovery and to be a good father to my kids. I'm out of options and this will literally save my life
I done the first step admit I have a problem and I need help I need a place to stay and a job so I can pay my child support.i want a better life for my family
I would like to know when you have availability for this program and how much it will cost me to start as soon as possible.
I’m writing this for my son! He is wanting to see what he has to do to get into this program and what is the price. Reason I’m doing this instead of him is because at the moment he is in GCDC. He has stated he has a problem and needs help to get off of for good. He needs someone to stand up and offer him the help. Would be good if someone would take him in and stand up for him in court to state rehab would do him more good than a prison sentence. Sincerely a loving mom asking for help.
I would like to come to your program please let me know how to get accepted
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Search for Transitional Housing
Closest Area Transitional Housing
- Kyle's House
0.63 miles away - Freedom House of Greenville
1.43 miles away - Oxford House Parkins Mill
1.47 miles away - Miracle Hill Ministries, Inc.
2.26 miles away - Rosewood House Of Recovery, Inc.
2.32 miles away
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Solutions Recovery Center, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: