Last-Modified: 2023-08-17 02:06:28
The goal of Rainbow Village, Inc. is to provide families in domestic and/or economic crisis a healing environment to rebuild their lives through a community based transitional housing program that promotes self-sufficiency.
Before you can apply, they will first determine if you clearly meet the federal definition of homelessness, which is:
People who are living in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily resided.
People who are losing their primary nighttime residence, which may include a motel or hotel or a doubled up situation, within 14 days and lack resources or support networks to remain in housing.
Families with children or unaccompanied youth who are unstably housed and likely to continue in that state.
People who are fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, have no other residence, and lack the resources or support networks to obtain other permanent housing.
If you match that definition then you also must match all of these qualifications:
Must be a resident in Georgia for at least 30 days
Must be willing and able to work
Must have reliable transportation
Must have custody of at least one child
Mission Statement: Rainbow Village transforms the lives of homeless families with children by providing a stable community and services that instill initiative, self-development and accountability for future generations.
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Rainbow Village Inc, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: