Last-Modified: 2023-08-04 01:49:20
Gender: M
Beds: 7
What is your current addiction OR problem that you are seeking help for? How long have you had this issue?
I am homeless
Have you used a transitional housing resource before?
Have you used this locations services before? What is your opinion of it?
Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?
Do they take ex felons?
I am looking for sober living.. I do have a daughter age of 6yrs old.. She is sheltered.. I am needing treatment looking for myself and if there is an option for her to be housed with me that would be great; although I am willing to be in sober living for myself only if that is what is needed to be taken into consideration. Thank you Sincerely, Shelby Crosby
There is a young man about 26 that I tried to help, but I don’t know how. He is being released for contempt of court on Monday and I know he needs counseling and medication to help him thrive. Is there anything that can help him get started with a job and place to stay. He is from Florida and won’t return there. His father is a heavy drinker so that is not an option.
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Oxford House Newton, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: