Last-Modified: 2023-09-26 07:51:05
Aftercare Transitional Housing for Ex-Offenders.
Application & Partnership Agreement Required.
Entry Fee $220.00 Wkly rate $150.00.
They provide immediate employment within 72 hours upon entering the project.
They also provide the following aftercare classes: AA/NA, Cognitive Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Education, Life Skills & Restoration of Civil Rights.
Outreach Reentry Ministry
2303 Camden Cove West
Muscle Shoals, AL - 35661
(256) 394-3306
User questions & answers
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No but I am eager to get back on my feet and do what I need to do so I can resume a normal life as a productive member of society
Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?
Do they take ex felons?
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Closest Area Transitional Housing
- Safeplace, Inc.
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Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Outreach Reentry Ministry, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: