Last-Modified: 2023-07-18 13:19:20
They combine alcoholics and addicts in a sober lifestyle thats structure is designed for integrating anyone back into society functioning in a positive way.
The affordable approach to getting your life back - A Sober Living is more than just somewhere to take a break on life and escape those problems that were created by our drinking and using.
Spending time in a sober home can give a recovering addict/alcoholic the space to get a hold of a new sober lifestyle.
Some of the things people in recovery can do from the support base of our sober living home are:
-Organize a job search:
Looking for employment will never be easier for a person in recovery than when a support system is in place and a schedule is recommended that allows adequate time for the application process, including interviews and pre-employment drug screenings.
-Adjust to sobriety:
While housed in a residential inpatient program, a patient often has very few liberties. Back at home, the sudden burden of making responsible decisions can be too much to handle. Our sober living has rules to follow and these rules always have an emphasis on the eventual transition back to independence.
*Arranged housing:
Many residents go into their sober living program without any other homes to speak of. Others have homes but are scared of going back. rightly so, because returning to their old stomping grounds will just lead to temptation. After all, it can be extremely difficult to resist a craving when the recovering addict knows every place to get what he's looking for within walking distance. Time could be better spent in a sober living home time can be put into an apartment search with lots of feedback from other residents and the staff regarding what to look out for.
*Mend fences:
An crucial step in the recovery process is to make amends to those who have been affected by the addict's actions. This process can be liberating. The support one finds in the community of fellow addicts will help guide the resident through the process of rebuilding broken relationships and putting back together some kind of outside support network.
Opportunity House Sober Living
5365 N Mariposa St
Fresno, CA - 93710
(559) 907-8528
User questions & answers
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What is your current addiction OR problem that you are seeking help for? How long have you had this issue?
0 votes
Was clean from meth from 2006 to 2017. My kids and I became homeless and within a year I started using again. We have been in seperate places and homeless for 3 yrs 8 months now.
0 votes
Meth was clean from 07 to 2017 been struggling to stay clean thinking a more structured environment would help will
Have you used a transitional housing resource before?
0 votes
Yes. At opportunity house in vacaville, ca. Entered the homeless shelter after completing a residential treatment program in 2006 and was placed in their transitional housing program due to my daughter's heart surgery the same year. We lived in there approx o e year and was able to get our own apartment after that. She is has another heart surgery comi g up in Jan. 2020 and have nowhere to go afte
Have you used this locations services before? What is your opinion of it?
Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?
Do they take ex felons?
i am coming home after 6 years and i will be homeless and parole will be paying for whatever i need so if you could please get back to me with an answer my release date is 12-14-2019
I would like to get into that program if at all possible I just paroled and am mandated to do a residential program
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Closest Area Transitional Housing
- Centers for Living
1.83 miles away - Rescue the Children
4.57 miles away - Evangel Home
5.02 miles away - Sanctuary Transitional Shelter Fresno
5.05 miles away - Bridge Point - Turning Point Transitional Housing for Adults
5.12 miles away
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Opportunity House Sober Living, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: