Last-Modified: 2023-09-25 21:35:35
Each of Belay House residential (inpatient) programs provide 24 hour care in a structured setting.
Three of their five programs provide residential care (Blaine, Plymouth & Eden Prairie).
Residential programming includes, 24-hour supervision, structured setting and all meals.
Much like their outpatient programs, residential treatment includes:
clinical groups, lectures (psycho-educational groups), education, family counseling / family night lectures recreation.
Residential and outpatient programming includes random drug screens to ensure that their clients are not using.
On Belay House
115 Forestview Lane North
Plymouth, MN - 55441
(763) 703-1894
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Do they take ex felons?
I am very interested in your program. I am currently in Huss Center for Women and am near completing 90 days of intensive inpatient treatment. I am looking for a medium intensity or outpatient with lodging program for my next step. What do you have available at this time?
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Search for Transitional Housing
Closest Area Transitional Housing
- The Retreat
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6.67 miles away - New Spirit Homes
6.84 miles away - The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center
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Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to On Belay House, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: