Last-Modified: 2023-06-19 09:51:09
Oxford House is a concept in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. In its simplest form, an Oxford House describes a democratically run, self-supporting and drug free home. Oxford House Harmony Wells is a women's transitional home with a total occupancy of 8. For the most current information about availability, please visit their website:
Oxford House Harmony Wells
4328 Harmony Wells Circle
Las Cruces, NM - 88011
(301) 589-0302
User questions & answers
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What is your current addiction OR problem that you are seeking help for? How long have you had this issue?
0 votes
Meth 12 years
0 votes
0 votes
herion addiction 12/4/2018
0 votes
Alcohol for about 7 years
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Have you used a transitional housing resource before?
Have you used this locations services before? What is your opinion of it?
Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?
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Never returned my phone calls
Do they take ex felons?
I would like get help so I can better my self and be able to transition my self back to the world.
I have a good friend who lives in one of the Oxford houses for the last 2 years. She has been president at times but now its just a secretary of the house. I go and visit her once a week or so and she is doing awesome. But my question is the last month or two there has been up to five other roommates in the house that are breaking the rules as far as overnight guest, children living in the home, and staying out all night. The house has meetings where they vote on things but she is out voted and they do what they want. But she is there to get her life together when she has continue working on her goals, staying sober and should also be a safe place what she feel safe but they have all ganged up against her and she just stays quiet about it because she iss overruled. What I want to know is where are her rights she is following all the rules an accomplishing her goals why shouldnt be others?
Yes I would like to apply to get into Oxford house
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Closest Area Transitional Housing
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Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Oxford House Harmony Wells, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: