Last-Modified: 2023-09-25 23:47:27
HomeAid America creates and supports local chapters, giving them the tools to build shelter projects for the homeless population, then donates the housing to charities such as the Boys Hope Girls Hope, Mercy House, Salvation Army, Volunteers of America, and others for them to operate.
To be eligible to receive a HomeAid home, the charity must provide social services that enable residents to transform their lives and move towards self-sufficiency.HomeAid chapters build and donate shelters to charities that understand the needs of their local homeless population and employ the model that best works for them and their community. Regardless of which model is used, HomeAid performs rigorous due diligence to ensure the charity can achieve the positive outcomes for which a HomeAid home is being donated.
Mission Statement: HomeAid's mission is "to build new lives for America's homeless families and individuals through housing and community outreach." Although our mission gives us broad latitude to engage in building projects across the entire Continuum of Care, from emergency shelters to transitional housing to permanent supportive housing, every HomeAid project includes support services that help residents move toward self-sufficiency, such as education and job skills training, physical and emotional support, etc.
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Homeaid America Inc, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: