Last-Modified: 2023-08-25 06:36:29
Transitional Housing for homeless families.
Serves 32 families at various sites.
Length of stay in transitional housing program: Up to 24 months
Services: Provides assessment of needs for skill development, income, permanent housing, sobriety, self-sufficiency. Provides extensive case management assisting clients to develop domestic skills, higher education, job readiness/training, D/A recovery, domestic violence avoidance, emotional stability. Provides direct assistance in obtaining permanent housing.
Mission Statement: Grounded in faith, hope, love and respect for those we serve, the West Side Catholic Center assists all who come in need of food, clothing, shelter, advocacy and a path to self-sufficiency. 33% of Cleveland's residents and almost half of Cleveland's children live in poverty. Cries for help include: food and medication, heat and water, homelessness, help in search of a job, lack of transportation ....these are just some of the critical needs that we address at WSCC each day. Our Programs respond to the needs of men, women, and children in Cleveland, regardless of their religious affiliation, and WSCC has no geographical limits on its service area. All services are provided free of charge.
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to West Side Catholic Center, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: