Last-Modified: 2023-10-10 20:38:28
Saint Vincent De Paul programs include:
The Riley Center:
Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence Services include:
a Community Office located on 1175 Howard Street, offering a 24-hour crisis hotline drop-in serviceseducation and follow-up assistance to former clientsan emergency shelter (Rosalie House)a transitional housing program (Brennan House)Multi-Service Center (MSC) South homeless shelterThe largest homeless shelter in Northern California, the MSC shelters, feeds and supports more than 370 homeless men and women every night, and provides drop-in services for up to 70 each day.
In addition to a safe place to sleep and two meals a day, the MSC offers drop-in medical care, mental health and substance abuse case management, and support groups for those recovering from trauma.
The MSC also provides emergency clothing, shower and laundry facilities, and a library and computer lab.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to serve anyone in need through direct person-to-person service and professional social service programs. We focus on: breaking the cycles of homelessness, addiction and domestic violence, helping our clients become self-sufficient, reducing the harm they cause to themselves and others, and consistently treating all of our clients with compassion and respect.
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Saint Vincent De Paul Society San Francisco Administration, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: