Last-Modified: 2023-04-03 06:34:59
A Clean and Sober Living Environment for guests to be among like-minded fellow travelers in a safe place. Fully-furnished (bedding included), clean, updated and well located to transit and services.
2 houses. 2 bed and 4 bed rooms available. Male and Female. High end finishes, fully furnished including linens.
User questions & answers
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What is your current addiction OR problem that you are seeking help for? How long have you had this issue?
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Meth addict
Have you used a transitional housing resource before?
Have you used this locations services before? What is your opinion of it?
Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?
Do they take ex felons?
Need to get help i have a 2 month for court ordered
Dear Bayview, I am a clinician at a residential treatment center. I have a female client who needs a bed for 1-4 weeks approximately. It depends on how long it will take for her to find housing. She will be discharging on May 11 and will be attending our outpatient program in Palo Alto from 10am-1:30pm Pricing, and availability.
I’m interviewing for a job and I need a sober environment. I’ve been sober a long time, I am clean and take care of myself.
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Search for Transitional Housing
Closest Area Transitional Housing
- West Valley Community Services Of Santa Clara County, Inc.
4.33 miles away - Bill Wilson Center
4.97 miles away - HomeFirst Services of Santa Clara County
6.55 miles away - Asian Americans for Community Involvement
6.75 miles away - California Family Foundation
6.78 miles away
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to Bayview Homes SLE, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: