Last-Modified: 2023-08-31 19:57:13
Macdonald house has 22 apartments, a meeting room, a dormitory and is one of TLCs earliest houses.
It is near all city services and one half block from bus lines that link to anywhere in Maricopa County.
Transitional Living Communities accepts any male or female substance abuser who asks for help, with a few exceptions:
The program doesn't accept sexual predators such as rapists or child molesters. It does accept those arrested for offenses such as soliciting prostitution. Each case is reviewed on its merits. Those with communicable diseases, such as TB or active hepatitis, are not accepted. HIV positive applicants are accepted.
TLC Southern Transitional Housing
54 W Southern Avenue
Mesa, AZ - 85210
(480) 649-8330
User questions & answers
Are you familiar with TLC Southern Transitional Housing? Help users find out answers.We publish all Helpful information.

What is your current addiction OR problem that you are seeking help for? How long have you had this issue?

0 votes
Meth... Addicted For 2 years

0 votes
I just finished a detox but I'm homeless and need help getting a job

0 votes
I need real structure and a sober living environment

0 votes
20 yrs on Meth. Sober & Living on the street and would like a place to live that has food and help getting ajob

0 votes
I am graduating from Crossroads and looking for a promise to pay

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I'm addicted to opioids

0 votes
I was a crack user. I could use additional support

0 votes
Meth 6 yrs

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Meth four years

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I'm a heroin addict Andy been using off and on since 2015. I'm looking for a sober living house that will allow me to continue working at my job as well as continue seeing my doctor once a week for my Suboxone maintenance.

0 votes
im a meth addict and have been one off and on for 15 years now and i dont kno anything else other than i need help

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I’ve been addicted to meth off and on for about 8 years. I’m pregnant and trying to get my kids back from DCS so u need a place to live and get clean and learn the tools to stay clean

0 votes
I'm a meth addict seeking a sober living home I have been addicter for ten years

Have you used a transitional housing resource before?

0 votes
Yes, I am currently at a transitional living facility in Sheboygan Wi for women until Dec. 10th.

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Yes tlc robson

0 votes
I have been to U-TURN for Christ and Streets of Joy

0 votes
I was in unhooked recovery for 30 days and I'm in a uncomfortable situation at newbeggings sober living living on the couch and out of a closet in a hall way.paying $130 a week for a couch .I'm in need of a place I have a job and my own car please help

Have you used this locations services before? What is your opinion of it?

Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?

0 votes
Very helpful

0 votes
Not great

Do they take ex felons?

0 votes
Yes but, there are restrictions about the type of crime that was committed
I have clothing for women (shoe, skirts,, and sme dresses that I can donate; if needed.. I am retired and can help with office organization (typing, filing and whatever) I am familiar with computers, have taught Word, ability to help with resume writing, etc., You can reach me at the email above.
Hello, I am wanting to know how I can receive homeless services. Thanks.
My fiance & I are looking for another place to transition into after our discharge from the facility we are currently at we have till October 30th to relocate and find a sober living home. We both are currently working, I've been clean from meth for 9months and hes been clean from from for 7months now. We both need help to get into a sober living because we don't want to go back to the reservation we are not ready to head back home we want to continue working on ourselves our sobriety is very important to the both of us. If you can help us that be great. Thank you.... Rammiet Haven
Looking for sober living home to help get on my feet, I'm a recovering addict, dealing with DCS, I have a new job I'm starting. Would like information about this program.
I just wanted to say that TLC is just a HUGE SCAM. It's nothing but slave labor. Long, exhausting, back-breaking hours out in the sun baking, just cares about the money, like all of TLC's "staff." The company needs to shut down, I really hope and pray it happens. Not being able to steal all that money, bully and intimidate people.
This company is a joke. You get a tiny bunk bed filled with bed bugs out in the living room, a tiny locker to put all your clothes and other stuff in, and terrible food that you can only have if you don't work during the times they serve food. You HAVE TO be able to attend meetings everyday which are any time from 630-9 pm, yet you HAVE to be able to work a full-time job that NEVER interferes with those times. If you cannot find a job within 4 days, for whatever reason, then you must sign up for work crew, which is nothing more than slave labor, you don't see any money out of it for 2 months, you're too busy paying the fees for the program, and trying to get two weeks ahead on your rent. If you get kicked off of one job on labor crew at any time, and if you cannot find a job, for whatever reason (if you don't have any ID or SSC, which they don't give you even a day to get, or you just can't find a job within 4 days) you get kicked out of this "program". Most people in this program are just getting out of jail or prison, on probation or parole, or just getting off the streets and we're homeless before here. That's because they can't find any better program to take them, or were forced here by their PO's. I am only here because I have no money, no job right now, and my wife kicked me out of the house. Pure and simple, this halfway house treats you like dirt, just like you would expect if you have no money, no job, are just getting out of prison, or some other broken down way of life. If you have money or a job and are not hopeless in life, stay as far away from this place as possible. The only reason I am here is because it is literally one step up, maybe even just a half step up, from being homeless. I have no other options, other than jail, because I am on probation as well. Once I get enough money I will get out and never be back. If your life isn't completely hopeless, don't go here.
Looking for homeless assistance. I have been sober 7 years. I can assist in helping others get sober when I'm not working as well as help with meetings or activities.
Me and my fiancee are looking for a place where we can go to that will be safe; right now we're staying with two of my friends but they are going to be coming back soon, we want our own space, doyou guys help get into transitional housing? we have two dogs also if you'll have any rooms or apartments available.
This place is terrible, was given an address to have a client drop off, whoever the guy is was very rude, sent the person back after talking to a lady and she gave staff the address and said they took the insurance. I wouldn't send anyone to this place.
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Search for Transitional Housing
Closest Area Transitional Housing
- South West Transitional Living
0.17 miles away - Save The Family Foundation Of Arizona
0.75 miles away - Streets of Joy Transtional Living
0.98 miles away - Community Bridges - Center for Hope
1.27 miles away - Oxford House Mesa
2.27 miles away
Important Top Tips Before Applying
If you Interested in applying to TLC Southern Transitional Housing, we recommend that you call them and find out some answers to some or all of the below questions:In addition to these general questions, you may also want to ask more specific questions about the program, such as: